Simple Research: Implication of Career Woman and Gender Role based on Islamic Perspective

 By: Dearga Sukaria

A. Background

Career woman about to identical as the women who take a job all the day and sometimes can be said as taking a role as man does. Mainly they work outside from the house. In the Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI), career woman can be defined as woman who plunges herself into a profession activity, such as: business, officer, etc. In the other word, career woman is the option of woman to take some responsibilities and obligation of profession they undertake to obtain some commission or benefit to fulfill their private needs. Often we find them in the middle of society, and there are several of professions they took to be a place to stand on toward their own purpose. Those are officer, teacher, lecturer, seller, supervisor, even driver and many more. But below, the writers will show up some explanations from some informant in the different profession.

Pro and cont of career woman arise in the middle of society as well. By them, as a career woman need the various reasons to choose it. Woman will not to be the career woman if they don’t have the certain reason as a form the background of them to take it. Besides the reason, as a woman career generally occur the alterations in their life in some aspects in form impacts both negative and positive and both by internal or external. Even, for the woman who has gotten married, to be a career woman also brings the impact to their child, husband and even to the society.
Career woman in sociologically include in the gender and religion discussion. Some research try to answer some question arise about the role of human based on their gender, especially talk more the gender and the religious deed. How the roles of human based on gender in their religion? Are there the differences religious deed which caused by the different of gender? Many studies and researches have been done which raise the result of them. While the past researches just analyze how the gender takes a role in Catholic and Christian orthodox religion, just like the research of Argyle (2006) said the result of his research is a woman is more religious than man with some reason behind it. And the research of Liao (2005) in Taiwan and Modiri & Azadarmaki (2013) in Iran also has the same result.

Even though based on the data of American General Social Surveys and World Values Survey didn’t show the relation between the different gender and religion attitude, but sets of hypothesis based on alternative model of risk preference shows that a woman is more religious than man, which the next influence to risker attitude. This explanation model can predict the religious difference in the several of religion. From those expression can be concluded that there is relation between gender and religion deed.

And now, how the writer tries to see the career woman based on Islamic perspective. Writer will conduct the interview to some informant in the different profession and will reveal how they feel about the topic related. Where Dzuhayatin (2002) in S. Hidayatullah (2010) reads there is the expectation and aspiration of woman in Indonesia, both religion-contextual and socio-politic, to obtain the role and position which equal to man, signed the consciousness of woman to wake up from nightmare in the past -where woman often received the violent treatment from a man-. By him, the role which played by woman in Indonesia toward cultural construction, politic, economic and religion can be seen based on the condition of job distribution in Indonesia’s society. In several cases, they have obtained the equality, even take a role more important than a man, but generally still obligate the general rules to place a woman under a man. And how the Islamic perspective is look at this.

B. Formulation of Problem

Based on explanation briefly this article topic above, so this article will focus on these questions related:

· What is called as career woman?

· How the Islamic perspective about career woman?

· What are the implications happen when a woman decides to be a career woman?

C. Signification

The writer chooses this topic as her research because nowadays many of women choose to be a career woman. Career woman as a main option for a woman who wants to survive in the middle of crowded city and has the certain skill to get the extra commission to fulfill their own needs. Besides that, this research feel very important because with the popularity of career woman in the middle society, need the feedback from the religion’s view. How Islamic perspective look at this case, they permitted or not. As Muslim, human sure can’t separate the worldly affairs and hereafter affairs. Many regulations of religion to arrange a life of human, in Islam just like written in Qur’an and Sunnah.

D. Topic Explanation

Woman in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) means adult female, while career based on Depdikbud (2008) in Utami M. (2001) comes from the word “karier” (Dutch) means first, development and progression in the life, job, position, etc., second the job that give the expectation to progress.

Career woman about to identical as the women who take a job all the day and sometimes can be said as taking a role as man does. Mainly they work outside from the house. Career woman can be defined as woman who plunges herself into a profession activity, such as: business, officer, etc. In the other word, career woman is the option of woman to take some responsibilities and obligation of profession they undertake to obtain some commission or benefit to fulfill their private needs. Often we find them in the middle of society, and there are several of professions they took to be a place to stand on toward their own purpose. Those are officer, teacher, lecturer, seller, supervisor, even driver and many more.

While in the international HAM (Hak Asasi Manusia), which the rights like admitted in the international HAM’s instrument affairs automatically be valid without the exceptions included a woman. Civil rights and politic of woman is equal to the man, in the same manner as admitted in the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966), it also the rights of economy, social and culture of woman is equal as well to man.

While fiqh view of his legal career woman not allowed except:

1. Safe from the slander safe from things that harm him and secure his property from immorality.

2. The poor husband / not able to feed their families.

3. Got permission from a guardian / husband if the husband is still able to provide for.

So, from the Islamic perspective, they use fiqh which the regulation likes above. Actually career woman is prohibition based on Islamic perspective, because of many raise some fitnah, fitnah here is not always as how somebody else talk more about the other weakness or negative side, but fitnah can be defined as disaster, which its disaster comes from the woman itself does outside from the house. For example, when a woman can’t keep their attitude to the other man (from her husband) it will raise a problem. Dishonest to husband and the other problem raise is not far from it. So woman here should fulfill the three exception a woman is a prohibition to be a career woman.

E. Interviews

The writer interviewed two women who have different profession, with every explanation about their choice to be a career woman as below:

Informant 1: Kindergarten teacher

The first informant is just called as Mrs. Dehanna, she was born in 1981 and has been married. Her main profession is a kindergarten teacher since 2001 until now, and she has some another profession and be able to help her to fulfill the purposes and her own needs. Besides as a kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Dehanna is the founder and headmaster of her own kindergarten which established in her husband’s house in 2007. And the third profession is as manager of Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) in the one of kitchenware product since 2014 until now.

Many reason behind why she chose to be a career woman. The first is her reasons to be a teacher are: (1) because by her educates the kindergarten’s student is just like educate her own child, this is the implementation of informant really like a children, (2) the time to teach is sufficient, not too long just like woman work as officer from morning until early evening, she hoped she still has the time enough to take care of her family, (3) to fulfill the syi’ar of Islam to society, she added to be safe the reward in hereafter. Her reason why she become a founder and headmaster in her own school because she feel so concerned with the existence many Islamic school in her city but in average they very expensive, so the informant established the Islamic school with the great quality and the lower cost to help people around get the best education but with the lower cost. And the last profession is the reason she to be a manager in MLM (1) she want to help housewife to get the commission even though they don’t need to hard work, (2) she want to promote the safe and high quality product to all ages consumer, (3) to get the sideline commission.

After some reason informant chose to be a career woman, there are many benefits from her professions, those are (1) her knowledge, skill of leadership and managing of teaching can increase automatically, (2) more or less she can understand the child under five years old well, (3) she can give the job vacancy to housewife who wants to be a teacher, (4) she can help the student’s parent who less wealthy in the education aspect, (5) she be able to understand and manage the finances of herself and her consultant or her member, (6) she capable in emotional controlling face her consultant or her member. While the benefits which can be feel by her family are (1) the family needs more can fulfilled, (2) family feel proud of her with the profession informant’s bear.

Beside the benefit can be felt by the informant, there are the negative impact felt by her also. Those are: (1) lack of time to family, (2) lack of socialization with society around, (3) decrease time to do sunah worship, (4) need more stamina and energy to do all of the profession at once, (5) lack of time also to spoil herself. If the informant asked to choose where the option she should choose, between to be housewife or to be a career woman, she chose to be a career woman because separate the negative impact, she felt all of the benefits and felt if her dream in childhood came true.

Informant 2: Officer

The second informant is just called as Mrs. Jeany, she was born in 1981 and has been married. Her main profession is an officer since 2003 until now. She has been felt the different profession but still in the office such as: receptionist in hotel, accounting, manager of HRD, medical representative, and the last profession she bear until now is product executive in the one of private enterprise in Indonesia. And those are able to help her to fulfill the purposes and her own needs. The only one her reason to be a career woman is to fulfill the life needs. While benefit and negative impact also very felt by herself and her family, by her. She think that her profession is just for herself and her family, and the negative impact that should she sacrifice is she very lack of time to gather with her small family, and she also feel so blue because of her children should feel lack of affection from mother’s role. Even, if she asked to choose where the option she should choose, between to be housewife or to be a career woman, she chose to be a housewife, because she very cares with her children and her husband.

Seen by her perspective about career woman, she is very unfortunate about her family. But besides that, she is also has a good impression about the career woman, that are with the career, she capable to take and manage her role as the double roles –housewife and career woman- and can be more professional, the second impression is she has a lot of relation and meet up to many kind of people and also capable to adapt herself to all of condition.

F. Sociology Analyze

Gender and the relation with religion has been a past issue be the main topic discussion in the middle of feminism or religion sociology thinker without exception the other discipline of social science. The core issue studied by researcher is there is a gap of gender in society, causes and the impact toward the various aspect of life. The gender case in the relation with religion by Jacobs (1991) will to be a challenge for sociology of religion forward, which is how to hold on self as a discipline of social science that attention to the diversity of human condition and make it to be more transformative.

After done the interview to woman who to be a career woman, indeed influenced to what they done can’t separate by some aspects, such as: economy, social, culture and religion. Even, the study of gender also relates it to some aspects which are writer mentioned above. How the genders take a role in every aspect? Is there any gap between kinds of gender?

Then let we discuss on gender case –career woman- to each aspect. The first is economy, with career, a woman capable to bear her life with their profession them took. Both of informants said since they go to work, they capable to fulfill their need or her family’s needs, even they don’t feel the lack of money when they go to work. So they don’t need to lay on all of the money affairs to their husband. As addition, a woman based on Yusuf (2013) in Sindung, is new star in the development of economy because of increase the number of woman who enter to business field, both micro scale, mid, or macro scale.

Career woman also brings the impact to socialize. The second informant really fortunately with her become career women; because she has a wide relation, and the first informant also said that she can be more understand the children under five years old. Why? Because they have an interaction to people around her. They have to understand people in order to they can adapt in the middle of society and life contiguous with them. But, besides in the social woman feel the positive impact to be a career woman, sometimes a man feel the bad impact from it. A man who popular with they have to work and feed his family, will getting decrease because a half of those professions have been taken by a woman. And some mans will reluctant to get married with a woman who more success than him, because of the level of status is playing here. So, there is a new problem rising here.

The next aspect is culture, Yusuf (2013) in his research tried to relate the gender bias and sub-culture like hometown, ethnicity, and religious practice in the context of national culture which is influencing the entrepreneur in the developing countries. The result indicated that gender, ethnicity and religion are playing the important roles in developing entrepreneurship and entrepreneur of woman in this case has the special place. Based by motivation to survive and independent, a woman entrepreneur capable to create many job vacancies and increasing of salary. This case needs the new policy, which purposed to decrease the gender discrimination impact of local culture practice that so far impedes the woman roles.

The last aspect is religion, as we know in Islam religion there is different role between man and woman, but God see it as the equality between them. The only thing that makes a difference human in God’s view is their faith and taqwa. The other side, generally man has a harder burden than woman, because God All Knows that man has a bigger power that woman, but it doesn’t mean that a woman is weak, but some aspects a wife should obligate what the husband’s said as long as his utterance is not out from Islamic syari’ah. Just like the fiqh said the actually career woman do not allowed as long as a woman obligate some exceptions she permitted to be a career woman. This regulation made for the prosperity of His creature itself. And the first informant said that she lack of time to do sunah worshipping. If Islam as the static religion, so religion prohibit her to be a career woman. But Islam is a religion which give a easiness to His creature, that as long as a career woman is not violent the syari’ah it is permitted. And besides that, with the intention to be a career woman of first informant to syi’ar (spread and growth the religion’s idea), it will be a good decision. Make a balancing between worldly affair and hereafter affair.

G. Conclusion

Career woman is the option of woman to take some responsibilities and obligation of profession they undertake to obtain some commission or benefit to fulfill their private needs.

Actually career woman is prohibition based on Islamic perspective, because of many raise some fitnah, fitnah here is not always as how somebody else talk more about the other weakness or negative side, but fitnah can be defined as disaster, which its disaster comes from the woman itself does outside from the house.

Woman who to be a career woman, indeed influenced to what they done can’t separate by some aspects, such as: economy, social, culture and religion. Even, the study of gender also relates it to some aspects which are writer mentioned above. And each aspect also has the positive and negative impact depend on situation and condition which is faced.

H. Bibliography

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<> retrieved 11th of June 2015.


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