Rationalist’s View of Harun Nasution to the Renewal of Islamic Education in Indonesia

By: Dearga Sukaria

Picture: http://www.kaskus.co.id

Harun Nasution was born at Tuesday, 23rd of September 1919 in Pematang Siantar, North Sumatera. He is son of Abdul Jabbar Ahmad, a seller from Mandailing and qadhi (village chief) at the Dutch age in Simalungun Regency, Pematang Siantar. While his mother, she comes from Mandailing Tapanuli, Maimunah from Islamic scholar generations has been stayed at Mecca and attend some activity in Masjidil Haram. Harun comes from the pious descent, esteemed and has the high economic strata and those condition support the effort of Harun to seize his dream and deepen his knowledge.

Harun is a 6th rector in UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta, Indonesia. The figure who is agreed Mu’tazilah (rationalist) though, which is based on mind role in a religion life. In his speech, Harun always emphasize to the Muslimin in Indonesia to think rationally. He also has known as the open minded figure. Harun for UIN (State Islamic University) Jakarta has a very important position as well. Not only as the rector as long two decades (1974-1982) but also he is a Director of Postgraduate as long as some period. Harun has written the textbook to all of UIN/STAIN student in Indonesia, which has influenced the way to think of student to become more progressive. He said the Islamic teaching in IAIN still limited to the religion teaching which is jurist (fiqh) oriented. Finally, student was educated the introduction of religion science, philosophy, tasawuf, kalam science, tawheed, sociology and methodology of research after he held a meeting to all of rector in Indonesia to change the curriculum of IAIN as a form of Islamic Education renewal forward.

Basically, the concept of education stated by Harun should appropriate to the values of Qur’an and Hadith. Thus, before talk further about Islamic Education definition, Harun emphasize more to the urgent of moral education’s existence. Human has a good moral based on the stronger faith, this case proven by the basic thought of Harun about human. Human based on their existential, divided in to two parts, the first is physical part and the second is metaphysical part or usual called as spiritual. And the spiritual inside human divided as well into two parts, those are thought organized as mind which is developed by education of sciences and feeling organized as heart which is developed by education of religion. Two different things but can be united as the integral manner to fulfill basic necessary of human. This indicates if Harun try to not separating science between religion science and general science.

Admitted in the discourse an Islamic intellectual if in the domain of education thought, there is a tight relevance connection between religion and moral education. Islamic education for example, do not released from effort to values along with religion elements in the human soul which is consist of Akhlaq. While the moral values also can not released from Islamic religion teaching, exampled by our big Prophet Rasulullah SAW, he said in his hadith that he delegated to human keep complete/perfecting their akhlaq or moral. He said if akhlaq is begun from praying, if praying don’t committed, akhlaq will not behave. So by him, the good man is the man who good in religion and moral. Harun then concluded, actually the norms teaching in Islamic education consist of two main dimensions, i.e: divinity problems or tawheed and good or bad problems, which we know as moral. And Harun emphasize the moral values and religion to be taught.

In the actualized Islamic teaching, need the process equipment or regulation as transform media also internalization tawheed values and moral. Equipment here is as a form of human effort to make understand others. The equipment meant is education, mainly Islamic education. Islamic education has several components: educator, learner, material, purpose, method and so on.

The method used by Harun: (1) Giving a good example and be a model, (2) Giving an advice, (3) Giving a foster / guide a moral and spiritual, (4) the cooperation among three component of education: school, home (family) and environment (society). If we saw the method of Harun Nasution, he emphasizes to foster people. It relates to the declining of Islamic values, student in the department of Islamic Education in some Islamic universities. They know what the Islamic Education well is, but they don’t feel the values of Islam which equal with their attitude and their akhlaq outside the context. They loss the meaningful of Islamic Education. Thus, Harun thought about the process of Islamic Education, he states that problem of it comes from the educator itself.

However, the problem in education today that the significance of Islamic Education in the midst of a very busy society once touted as forming a good personality or repair damaged moral. In short sentences, many students who already understand the Islamic Education, but they still just do not fit with religious teachings. This also turned out to have been thought up by Harun Problems still be felt to this day. Departing from the history of the Islamic religion former educator underestimated, Minister of Islamic Religious employ teachers without experience and training of teachers, making teacher quality is still poor have to struggle in the midst of educational institutions to teach Islam. Thus, making the Minister of National Education to replace the religious teachers with teachers who have a background in public education to teach Islamic Education. So the outcome is there, they just understand Islamic education well, but still possessed moral incompatible with religious knowledge they learned. So the significance rather than Islamic education is not to rub off on them.

And the small part of that problem comes from different term “teaching” and “educating”. So far, the lecturer in the Islamic universities just teaches the Islamic Education. While teaching just serves or deliver the knowledge. And educating is fostering and influencing the knowledge, there is transferring values in educating. Teaching is the small part of educating, and educating is deeper and more comprehensive than teaching. In fact, both teacher and lecturer are just teaching the Islamic Education which is many values inside them to transfer. There is moral values that student has to know more to make their attitude gradually better. This is also the perfection of Aqidah Akhlaq subject, Iman (faith), Islam and Ihsan (good deed). Ihsan is to be the implementation of Iman and Islam. Thus, Harun gives an advice to all of teacher and lecturer to “educate” the Islamic Education to his/her student, not just teaching.

As addition the paragraph above, Harun state the criteria of Islamic educator should (1) have the capability to be a model of his / her student, (2) mastering of education, (3) mastering of religion science and (3) mastering of general science. Quite perfect if we look at those criteria, because by him, to educate people should covering or mastering to all aspect (religion and general science), minimal if the educator expert in religion science, he has not alien with the general sciences. Because of Islamic educator has been getting dark age which need the resurrection of Islamic educator quality that should appropriate with four competences of teacher which written in UU Number 14 Year 2005 about Teacher and Lecturer, article 10 verse 1 and in the guidance book of teacher certification in 2006 said that:

“Teacher competence as referred to in Article 8 includes pedagogical competence, personal competence, social competence, and professional competence acquired through professional education".

From all the discussion above, can be concluded if Harun Nasution want there is alteration in the Islamic Education in Indonesia. At the beginning Islamic Education just limited to the religion teaching which is jurist (fiqh) oriented, and now student was educated the introduction of religion science, philosophy, tasawuf, kalam science, tawheed, sociology and research methodology. The aim of this to all of educator of Islamic Education mastering in all division of sciences (education, religion and general science), or minimal if the educator expert in religion science, he has not alien with the general sciences. And he wants all of the nest generation Muslim Indonesia has the progress idea toward alteration of Indonesia.


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